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Virginia Theatre
203 West Park Avenue
Champaign, IL 61820

Box Office Hours:
Weekdays, 10am – 5pm
and two hours before every show.

Phone: 217.356.9063


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THE BAT: A Comedy/Mystery in Two Acts

THE BAT: A Comedy/Mystery in Two Acts
Reserved Seating Tickets:
$16 Standard/$14 Senior (55 and Up)
Add’l per-ticket processing fees apply: $2
DEC 28-30, 2021

The smash hit Broadway play The Bat - first produced in 1920 - was drawn from Mary Roberts Rinehart’s famous story, The Circular Staircase, and was set for the stage by Rinehart and her collaborator Avery Hopwood. 
Produced by Jeff Goldberg
Directed by John Stuff

On December 28, 1921, the front doors of an ornate, 1,900-seat venue were opened to the public for the very first time in Champaign, Illinois. The name of this new performance space and movie palace was the Virginia Theatre.

That evening, before a sold-out house, the Virginia proudly presented a touring production of the stage play The Bat.

A comedy-mystery that helped inspire the original Batman comics of the 1930s, The Bat was a hit on Broadway, running for 867 performances in New York and another 327 performances in London, with six different road companies ultimately taking the show on the road to communities like Champaign.

In the play, Cornelia Van Gorder (an “elderly spinster”) and her guests spend a stormy night at Cornelia’s rented summer home, searching for stolen money they believe is hidden in the house, all the while being stalked by a masked criminal known only as “the Bat”.

For this special 100th Anniversary revival, producer Jeff Goldberg has combined talents with director John Stuff to bring The Bat back to the Virginia stage for the first time in a century!

Producer - Jeff Goldberg
Director - John Stuff
Technical Director - Bob Aldridge
Set Designer - David Robertson
Light Design - David Robertson
Sound Designer - Michael Miller
Stage Manager - Shawna Smith
Properties Designer/Set Decorator - Cindy Havice
Costumer - Laura Vavrin 

Suzanne Aldridge
Anita Stein
Maddie Henson
John Tilford
Ryan Gossett
Andy Blacker
Mike Steen
Grant Morenz
Jim Dieker
Aaron Clark

A VT Series Event



Per an Executive Order signed by Illinois Governor Pritzker on August 26, 2021, all individuals age 2 and up who are medically able are required to wear a face mask while indoors in public settings, regardless of vaccination status.


Please note that, due to the recent increases in active COVID-19 cases in Champaign County, the Virginia Theatre has suspended the sale of food and beverages, including liquor, at all public events through the end of the year, at which time theatre staff will reevaluate.

Please also note that outside food and beverage are not allowed into the Virginia Theatre.

The Virginia has taken these steps to help ensure that all individuals are wearing a mask at all times while inside the facility. For more information, please visit this page.
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