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Virginia Theatre
203 West Park Avenue
Champaign, IL 61820

Box Office Hours:
Weekdays, 10am – 2pm
and two hours before every show.

Phone: 217.356.9063


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General Admission Tickets

FRI, JUNE 30, 2023

Presented by Illinois Public Media with support from UNITING PRIDE, this exciting series brings the very best of recent art films and documentaries to the Virginia Theatre.


Rated NR 
91 Min

They call one another “mama bears” because of the ferocity with which they fight for their children’s rights. Although they grew up as fundamentalist, evangelical Christians praying for the souls of LGTBQ+ people, these mothers are now willing to risk losing friends, family, and faith communities to champion their kids—even if it challenges their belief systems and rips apart their worlds.

From Emmy® Award-winning director Daresha Kyi, “Mama Bears'' follows the journeys taken by Kimberly Shappley and Sara Cunningham, two mama bears whose profound love for their LGBTQ+ children has turned them into advocates for the queer community.

After the film, there will be a discussion with audience Q & A

Moderator, Kimberlie Kranich, Illinois Public Media

Dr. M.R. Rowland, Choir Director, UU Church of Urbana-Champaign
Dr. Dynesha Grissom, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
State Rep. Carol Ammons, 103-District, Illinois
Rev. Sally Fritsche, Unitarian Universalist Minister

Described as limited-release, high-quality titles that have captured the imagination of movie lovers, the Virginia Theatre’s Arthouse Experience Film Series is programmed by special guest curator Sanford Hess.

The movies that Mr. Hess selects—a mix of award-winners, Ebertfest favorites, and recent classics—are presented one Wednesday each month on the Virginia’s 52-foot wide movie screen, with state-of-the-art surround sound.

Each film will be followed by a post-show discussion and in some cases an on-stage talk by directors, producers, and other special guests. Presented by Illinois Public Media, home of WILL-TV, WILL-AM, and WILL-FM.

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